About Me

Hello everyone! I'm Adrika. Thanks for visiting this ABOUT ME page. 

Was it your rebellious mouse who brought you here or your neurons? 

Be it 

I talk a lot. A lot. Humor is my pet dog. Read at your own risk, otherwise snarking would gobble your head for sure. 
Oh! You are here, then you must be brave. I cordially welcome you to my abode. Make yourself comfortable, take some pumpkin cake or Sherbet Lemons or if you don't like sweets, I've bitter gourd juice as well, hehe.

*Drum rolls*

Truthfully I wasn't always a writer. I was always a lover of art. A reader. Genres of all shades attracts me. Technically this love and appreciation for art bought me to stories and gradually to poetry and finally to writing stories and poetry. 

The walls in my house are the epitome of my attraction to art. 

I can be criminally cute sometimes, as people say. According to Myer Briggs personality type I have been categorized into a group abbreviated as ENFP. But, hey, I'm unpredictable. My personality is like a switch, it flips whenever I feel like flipping it. 

I have a special interest in finding amazing, sweet, gross, unique metaphors. They are always my experimenting apparatus. I love doing that. 

Apart from all these, I am sixteen spring old, hailing from India. In here I'll be narrating you my stories, fictional tales and filling your hearts with accolades of poetic musings. 

Uh do I need to remind you that this place is your home too? 



  1. Loving your stories and poetry!! God bless you my dear Adrika


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