How far will you go for words?

 NOTE: This post is inspired by Cadbury and from it's tagline.[I said inspired, not sponsered]

CONTENT WARNING: If you suffer from the jolts of CHS(Cold- Heart Syndrome), consult your doctor before reading this post. It has an overuse of love fuel! (don't worry, it won't pollute our environment) which can vex your jolts to the extreme. 

In this post I'll talk about all the things I'm blessed for. All the things I love.


“Dear old world, you are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you.” 


 Ah! you see, Anne Shirley just expressed my thoughts in these beautiful words. (Um...okay! I used her quote to express myself.)

We all are blissful to be a part of this world, to be humans who can express their thoughts, imagine and submerge themselves in the blanket of togetherness. Happiness creates stories and we share our happiness through stories. We live upon stories and breath the words. I love my eyes twinkling over the empty screen, yet to be filled with words. Those words which hold the capacity to unite or... destroy. 

love to dream on the moon-dip sky, where the wistful smoke mingles with my thoughts and thousands of dreamy fancies knock on my door.

Aren't you glad for something? Don't you love to laugh, spreading your lips wide and letting those pearls form beneath your eyes? Love to laugh and hate to regret. 

Do you believe your life to be a fairytale, where your lost shoe will change your fortune? It's more harder than that. Your life need company, smiles which can captivate, a heart which is mellow with the rays of sun. 

Gloom is just an excuse to keep happiness at bay. Everyday has something to tell. A story. You live with stories. The words which we weave forms strands of sentences and laying them over the sky of imagination creates stories. How vivid!

This world offers so much. So many uncountable beloved ones. They all craft a frame of beauty, designed with intimacy. Won't you share your love with everyone? 

Do I've to remind you that this post is still incomplete? It's time for desserts!


The ink ignites with the crisp paper,

leaving a tint of desire, to subdue inside

Words it creates, passion hidden deep beneath.

Strands of the sentences herken the dreamy whispers,

hands drift to bring the world close with words.

Endeavours never fails; burns inside for fulfilment.

Thanks for reading! 

This is for you guys! Thanks for making my abode sweet.


  1. And I feel blissful to get a chance to go through your thoughts.....

  2. Captivating words! I love your writing!!

  3. We have the ability to transform words and thoughts to stories. When I was younger, I was asked how I invent stories.
    "Anything can be a story", I said wistfully.

    1. Yeah! Stories are brilliant. I would have replied the same. Thanks for reading!

    2. Thank you so much Adrika. Stories are a way of spreading love.

    3. You are welcome. Yes! they definitely are.

  4. I loved your descriptions. The overall post has such a truth studded inside.

  5. Miss Eloquent Dear...
    Know where we can do
    the full-throttle-velocity,
    the RokketFuel/wildchild,
    never-endin-flavors of pi,
    RITEn oemnillionsObooks?
    Follow us to d'Wedding Feast:
    ☆ ☆
    God bless you


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