Two Peas in a Pod

I had this conversation with my bestie.

So I had to write. But yeah, I missed my blog too.

She: You literally have written poem about a chalk to our teachers, but NONE ABOUT ME? And you still dare to use my Victoria Secret?!

Me: *unable to process the magnitude of the sentence* Uho. I'll surely write one. *sprays some more in the bag too*

She: *intense glaring..trynna be the sasta version of my mother* Better hurry up otherwise you can't touch that perfume ever. I  "literally" mean it!

And weeks passed and passed.

I finally wrote it. Not because of her, obviously for my precious Victoria Secret. Lame me.

So here I present you that piece of poem which have every strings attached.

The sun shines again after the storm
outside the little apartment in Kolkata, 
windows wide open, I stand in there,
filling my eyes with first shower of sunrays, 
I see that windchime making a soft tune, 
“forever” etched lightly in it. 
And memories flushed. 
Do you remember it? 
Two hands clasped together 
under the school desk, 
playing hand cricket. 
Mischievous eyes sparkles- 
as they continue the game 
and the teacher’s voice 
bark in the background. 
We giggled just looking at each other, 
and executed every trouble with finesse.
Yesterday, I found a picture 
pressed between the pages of 
the heart diagram in 11th biology book- 
a mirror selfie of us smiling in our school bathroom. 
We were always like this- 
Wildflowers growing with roses, 
Two peas in a pod, our principal used to say. 
Here is the thing, 
When you are someone’s sun, 
an eclipse becomes long overdue, 
like this poem talking about you. 
Memories are like strings 
not the one with which we tied our answer 
But strings making melody, like that of a 
When I look up at the clouds 
From the balcony of the apartment- 
I reminisce that classroom of forty children 
and we were the only two prattling, 
and someday nothing else mattered to me 
but you seating beside me in those desks 
talking about how we would 
stay together as adults in an apartment 
being best friends yet another time.

                                               Here is a bonus for reading the long poem!

Unfiltered Us!

Today you not only bore me but also my insufferable bestie. Congratulations!

Happy Friend🚱 Day, my readers❤


  1. The insufferable besties should be thankful to their 'ever-ending sufferable moms'


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