Finding Love In A Revolution


T/W: a not-so-poetic rant ahead.

The shrouded hope flows in our cascade of life. This world has people like heartful poems and hurtful elegies. Together, growing like twins where one occupies more space in the cot and the other fights to gain some space. Ever since your birth, you see this world fight. People consider their life a war but when they lose, they blame their fortune and not their believes. 

People ask "How do we fight pain, wound and trauma?"

But how many of the people answers with a "You don't fight them. They become a part of you."? 

Maybe its just a handful of people, far lesser than a teen's hair fall. 

Hope itself is a big word. Sometimes, it is just like the surname of a girl. You never know if it remains the same. And, when grief replaces hope, it just becomes another of your school notebooks, wrapped in royal brown, but inside, homes your poorly written classwork, for which the world blames you and your parents and never themselves for not understanding what dyslexia is. 

Grief grows. Not like the way a disease does, but the way a small hole in your dress does. The more you wear it, the more wider it gets.

When you compare my wound with whimsical metaphors for your poems, I find how nude I feel even with sweaters because the people surrounding me here have already taken all the warmth. What's left is to pretend. Pretend that sweaters are things to keep you warm, even when your heart freezes. Metaphors are sometimes selfish. It rarely cares about poets. It just sits in our poem to make their wound appear beautiful. A lot like this shitty world.

Some people are like the refrigerator. You hope they will never cease lighting up your life, even after you close the door. But what if your hope gets cut like a power cut. Then, even when you keep your refrigerator door open, you'll only get to see darkness. And that is when you blame your fate. Can't their be a time when we glorify darkness's beauty? Can't we just stop fighting for once and appreciate stillness. Someone once said me, this life isn't uncertain, it just runs fast and boy, isn't it a truth? 


These fabricated hearts cannot breathe. Their respiratory systems choked with plastic desires. And guess what? Few of them desired to kiss hope. Amidst all fights, they still hope for GOOD. They get inclined towards hope. Nothing is wrong in hoping but it becomes too silly when you make hope your religion. That's when, people stop giving a damn about love in this revolution. 

In this life, we'll never talk about how mother tongues are easy to speak and harder to write because that is how the earth is. Even if it is a circle, it has corners and if you find hope in it, be sure grief has been there too. Because what use of life if it's all about happy endings? Then possibly we will all get a chance to become Disney princesses, huh?

See the dark circles, the vendors drinking three days old water, and children with patched skin holding bowls in hope for new air in new year are a few of life's amicy. On rearrangement, you can even find LOVE in REVOLUTION. So don't blame fate for pain. Own pain as if it is just another of your neighbor who listens pop in high volume while you try concentrating on studies, but also offers you chicken on Sundays.  

Tragically, hope was never about clinging onto it. It was always about finding a string to connect to it when you fail to cling. 

All things that you keep close to you deserve love. And even when you hate pain, its a part of you, pain has purpose just like the empty container of mocha has, you make a DIY for your school projects out of it :)

You ask me why rant and gobble your head which has dawn fresh thoughts in this year? Because their are people who are still stuck on past. Who still, blindly, believes in hope. I just wrote this to remind you not to put a fake smile when you're sad, instead replace the "why's this happening to me" with "okay this happened, how can I make it better?".

You guys are now free to wander. I am done being the philosophical poet. For today!

Happy new year, peeps. Make some resolutions which actually works!🤸‍♀️💖



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