O! gale

this poem, I elucidated gale(wind) being a symbol of difficulties and hardship. As 
you progress, reading my poem you will percieve that malicious gale can't gain victory all the time, our intent can blossom us with colors and euphoria. I crave to know your thoughts about my poetry. Sprinkling love and cheer! ENJOY                 

                           O! Gale


Lo! He wrecked the houses with his tantrums,

Fading the charisma of rosy evening.

Ceaseless blusters, forbidding my ray of euphoria!

My restive chi went down in flames.

A translucent shine, seized gloominess

Hither arrives seven prettiness…

The hue evening, erased mischievous Gale!

And bought, warm bouquet of bliss.


  1. What a mesmerizing poem it is!!!!

  2. The poem is lovely. I enjoyed reading it for the second time. There is euphoria and beauty amidst the gray wind.

  3. Hello Shreya! Happy to see you commenting on my posts. I love talking with you about reading and writing. I am also contended to write poetry, related to nature. Thanks for your compliments.

    1. Adrika, I hope you enjoy reading my poems too. I love you dear.

    2. Yes, I surely enjoy reading your writings.


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